Raising the Bar 2.0: BlueMark’s Framework for Evaluating Impact Reporting
Raising the Bar 2.0: BlueMark’s Framework for Evaluating Impact Reporting
In our first report in the “Raising the Bar” series, we summarized the key elements of quality impact reporting that emerged from consultation with 50+ impact investing experts and an analysis of existing impact reports.
In this second Raising the Bar report, we build on this initial work by exploring what a verification framework for impact reporting should look like and how it can work in practice. To test the feasibility and benefits of this refined verification methodology, we partnered with Impact Frontiers (a peer learning and market-building collaboration for asset managers and asset owners) on a pilot project to test the verification methodology with seven impact investors representing a diverse set of strategies and asset classes.
Based on this research, BlueMark designed a framework for verifying impact reports that is anchored around two key pillars — Completeness and Reliability.
Download Raising the Bar 2.0 to learn more about BlueMark’s verification framework, results from the pilot project, and our insights into emerging best practices for impact reporting.
Join the discussion with Impact Frontiers and other field-builders to build consensus around a common approach to verifying impact reporting by investors, including potential alignment with global voluntary standards.
BlueMark’s impact reporting verification framework
BlueMark designed a reporting verification framework that consists of two key pillars — Completeness and Reliability — and four sub-pillars.
The Completeness pillar focuses on the scope and relevance of the information in the report related to the fund’s Impact Strategy and Impact Results. The criteria for the Impact Strategy sub-pillar encompass the clarity of an investor’s stated impact intentions and approach to contributing to impact at both the portfolio and investment levels. The criteria related to the Impact Results sub-pillar address the reporting coverage of investments in the portfolio, the relevance of reported indicators to the strategy, and the integration of necessary contextual and qualitative information to interpret results.
The Reliability pillar focuses on the clarity and quality of the data in the report, including the rigor of the underlying data management systems and protocols. The criteria for the Data Clarity sub-pillar relate to the disclosure of the investor’s approach to impact and ESG management as well as their measurement methods, appropriate use of industry standards, and transparency of data sources and assumptions. The criteria for the Data Quality sub-pillar relate to the firm’s data management as well as their measurement methods, appropriate use of industry standards, and transparency of data sources and assumptions. The criteria for the Data Quality sub-pillar relate to the firm’s data management and quality control mechanisms as well as an assessment of consistency between reported data and underlying sources.
BlueMark’s ratings scale
Based on our proprietary rubric, BlueMark assigns ratings using a four-point scale of Low, Moderate, High, and Advanced.
The ratings for a sub-pillar within the framework are determined using a points-based approach, with points awarded based on the presence and validation of key criteria within reporting documents, as further detailed below. The relative points awarded to different criteria reflect their importance based on our initial Raising the Bar research, relevant industry standards and BlueMark’s market expertise, in addition to the quality and coverage of the investor’s reporting against the criteria.
These four ratings allow for comparative insights and peer benchmarks based on a “north star” for quality reporting. They provide a means to assess the ability and willingness of an impact investor to report in a transparent, thorough, and accurate manner about the goals they are pursuing, the results they are achieving, and the learnings they are generating. A key output of the verification is a detailed final report that includes the ratings alongside a narrative rationale and tailored recommendations for improvement based on best practices in the given sector and asset class.
Download the verification framework to see the specific types of criteria used to assign these ratings for each of the four sub-pillars.